What is the secret to exponentially growing the value of a company? Whether it’s people who are in your office, or who work remotely, in smart working, your team is the most important tool for success in your business.
Knowing how to manage people is the key to success in all activities, and in any actor. A motivated team can move mountains and accomplish anything. Likewise, in an unmotivated team, workers are not productive, lack initiative and are often absent. Behavior that can harm the development of a project and put it in danger. Want to avoid a worst-case scenario? Do you want your team to be ready to roll up their sleeves and work hard to achieve the best results? Here are some tips:
- Identify the personality of those who work with you. According to McClelland there are three fundamental needs for those who work, namely success , affiliation and power , at the basis of the human behavior of collaborators, and the three fundamental needs can act both jointly and separately. Anyone who is driven by success ( N-Ach , or in the original formulation need of achievement ) is basically a champion, someone who puts the ball in the net. These are people who must be stimulated by showing them possibilities for growth and improvement, challenging objectives, and can take on commercial or marketing roles. Those who are driven by power ( nPow , need for power ) tend to have the desire both to control people and to achieve very advanced goals . These people can be motivated with ambitious career plans and tend to be leaders, wanting managerial and leadership positions. Those who are driven by the need for affiliation, N-Affil ( need of affiliation ), undertake to establish good relationships with their group, in which they express themselves more without wanting to stand out. They can take on production or business management roles. A programmer, a business analyst, a mechanical engineer can tend towards this personality. To motivate them requires creative goals and group involvement.
- Define everyone’s roles and tasks in detail. It is essential that your team knows what they need to do and be able to know the tasks without thinking. If goals are vague, it’s harder for your people to invest themselves in the project since they’re unsure of their purpose. It’s a bit like a boat that starts a journey without knowing its final destination and risks getting lost and wasting all its resources trying to stay afloat. By setting clear and precise goals from the start, your team will know why they work hard every day. It’s much more motivating for your team to be able to see their efforts generate a positive result, helping them reach their end goal every day.
- Create a good workspace. Today, business centers for example are very useful for this. Offices always tidy, well furnished, secretarial assistance, in prestigious areas… such as the offices of my partner executivenetwork.it . Take a look!
- Remember to give your team members feedback , recognition and appreciation. We all like to see that our efforts are recognized and appreciated. Recognition is a strong way to create motivation at work. Don’t hesitate to congratulate your team and individuals often so they stay motivated. In addition to recognition, feedback and monitoring are equally important to maintain the motivation of each employee.
- Learn to listen to them to bring them to the right balance and the right degree of happiness and satisfaction . For your team members to be happy, you must likewise promote professional fulfillment. But how? You have to be their coach! In listening to your employees and responding to their needs as best as possible. For example, encourage their initiative, be attentive to their professional ambitions, allow them to be autonomous and give them the opportunity to access professional training to improve their skills. By demonstrating that you are confident in them and that you are willing to invest in them, your employees will want to further invest themselves in their work and team. To do this, there are many tools, first of all I recommend you do an internal analysis and really understand the attitudes of those who work with you. If you need it go here.
- Motivate them every day. Here too you have a role as a coach and motivator – Stimulate harmony within the team. Within the team, morale and motivation are strongly influenced by the relationships formed within the team. If there is tension and conflict among your employees, they will become less productive. If the work atmosphere is tense, your employees will no longer want to wake up in the morning to come to work. They will be less productive, make more mistakes, and most importantly, they may even leave the company. To create team harmony, managers need to encourage internal conversation, for example, through instant messaging and create team cohesion by regularly organizing team building events and activities: having breakfast together in places other than their office, weekends away, growth staff with strategic team coaching! If you want to understand how to do it, contact me by filling out the form .
The final tip? Apply these tips every day, dedicating at least an hour of your time to it ;-).